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Colorectal Cancer

Fig.1 Colorectal cancer

Colorectal cancer (CRC), also known as colon cancer or bowel cancer, which is a cancer developing from the colon or rectum (parts of the large intestine). Signs and symptoms may include a change in bowel movements, blood in the stool, feeling tired all the time and weight loss. Most colorectal cancers are caused by lifestyle factors and old age, with only a small number of cases are caused on account of underlying genetic disorders. CRC is a disease originating from the epithelial cells lining the colon or rectum of the gastrointestinal tract, most frequently as a result of mutations in the Wnt signaling pathway that change signaling activity. The most commonly mutated gene in all colorectal cancer is thought to be the APC gene producing the APC protein. Without APC, β-catenin can accumulate to a very high level, leading to translocate into the nucleus. The compound binds to DNA and activates the transcription of proto-oncogenes. Seroprevalence of Streptococcus bovis/gallolyticus is regarded as a candidate practical marker for the early prediction of an underlying bowel lesion at high risk population.

For Research Use Only. Not For Clinical Use.
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